Wednesday, July 20, 2011

HTML frame - HTML tutorial

Use Frame, you can display multiple browser windows page. Frame in each set a page for each Frame in the pages independently.
<*frameset><*/frameset> decide how to divide the Frame. <*frameset> a cols attribute, and rows attributes. Use the cols attribute, that according to the column distribution Frame; use the rows attribute to indicate the distribution of row Frame.
Tag set with <*frame>this page. <*frame> there src attribute, src value is the web path and file name. The purpose of the following code is: Frameset divided into two columns, the first 25% of the first column the width of the window width is 25%; 75% of the second column, the first column the width of the window width is 75%. The first column shows a.html, the second column shows b.html.

<*frameset cols="25%,75%">
<*frame src="../asdocs/html_tutorials/Frame_a.html">
<*frame src="../asdocs/html_tutorials/Frame_b.html">

frame is the meaning of Inline Frame, with <*iframe><*/iframe> Frame can be placed in an HTML document.
Note: "*" is not!

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