"Tokyo International Anime Fair"
This is an annual international trade fair for anime industries. The Tokyo Metropolitan City and anime-related enterprises jointly operate this fair (the Governor of Tokyo acting as Chairman of the Executive Committee) with the aim of promoting and fostering the anime culture, highly evaluated overseas, as important content originating in Japan.
Exhibition booths are set up to publicize the latest works of Japanese and foreign anime production companies, TV broadcasting stations and imaging companies. There are also all kinds of symposiums and stage events with the participation of popular voice actors. Moreover, at the competition for awarding excellent works, the "Animation of the Year Award" recipient is selected from among commercial entries released the preceding year, and the Open Entries are selected from contributions by the general public in order to cultivate new talented anime creators.
Dates of fair: Every year for 4 days from late March. The first two days are business days for industry participants only, and the last two days are open to the general public.
Hours: 10:00-18:00
Places:Tokyo Big Sight (East Exhibition Hall 1 & 2, and other locations)
Access:About 7 minutes' walk from Kokusai-Tenjijo Station on the Rinkaisen Line.
Kokusai-Tenjijo Station is approx. 10 minutes from Oimachi Station on the JR Keihin Tohoku Line.
Or, about 3 minutes' walk from Kokusai Tenjijo Shomen Station.
Kokusai Tenjijo Shomen Station is approx. 23 minutes from JR Shimbashi Station on the Yurikamome Line.