Introduced on TV because the color can affect people's emotions, the very curious, so look for a little information! Scientists also believe that the original color and the human brain has a link, different colors of human emotions and behaviors impact. Orange-red to warm, people feel warm, lively and `warm` happiness, can stimulate human vitality, but too warm you `excited` cause nervous irritability.
Violet blue `green` cool, make people feel cool `quiet` elegant, calm, and let illusions. Cyan `optimistic` engender cordial and soft feel. Brown: make people calm, to eliminate loneliness. Pink: Inhibition of anger. Purple: the elimination of tension, mystery, elegance. Red: warm,joy, courage. Increased appetite, it can lead to anger, White: monotonous, honest, pure and abstract sense of `sacred`. Yellow: bright, solemn. Black:silence, mystery, horror, pure. Gray: harmony, sad. Color: blinding, brilliant, fantasy.
Colors of nature gives rise to a variety of feelings and different emotions. Russian scholar studies have shown that active mental activity makes the red and purple give people a feeling of depression, depressed mood rose has inspired people together, can make people calm and blue,too much excitement can inhibit, green can be human mental activity to ease the tension. Color can make people desperate, but also allows people to regain the courage to live. Of course, this role is indirectly induced effect.